20:20 Visions

Rythm Pendant Neckpiece 2013
oxidised silver, 18ct green gold, Korean textile 600mm
I am delighted to be showing work as part of the 20:20 Visions exhibition. Celebrating twenty years' work from the Association for Contemporary Jewellery.
'Twenty of our most prominent and innovative members have been invited to show work from 1997 alongside a new piece:
Jane Adam, Stephen Bottomley, Norman Cherry, Susan Cross, Maria Hanson, Dorothy Hogg, Daphne Krinos, Adam Paxon, Ann Marie Shillito, Christoph Zellweger, Holly Belsher, Caroline Broadhead, Jack Cunningham, Joel Degen, Jan Hinchliffe McCutcheon, Terry Hunt , Jacqueline Mina, David Poston, Jessica Turrell, Frances Julie Whitelaw.
These have been Founder Members, Chair or Board members and include many of the most respected British jewellers of the 21st century'.
Tour dates:
National Centre for Craft & Design: 14 January to 12 March 2017
Sheffield Institute of Arts: 20 March – 24 April
The Goldsmiths’ Centre, London: 17 May - 30 June
ACJ Conference: 7-9 July
School of Jewellery, Birmingham: 11 Sept – 23 Oct
The Craft Study Centre, Farnham. December 2017 - January 2018 (dates tbc)
Museum of Edinburgh, February/March- June 2018 (dates tbc)